Save the date - join us July 11th to audition for our competitive Company!
Audition Fees (Check or Cash ONLY):
$20 (New Company Members)
$10 (Returning Company Members)
Ages 5-7- 9:00-10:15 am
Ages 8-10- 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Ages 11-12- 12:15-2:15 pm
Ages 13-14 - 2:30-4:30 pm
Ages 15+ - 4:45-6:45 pm
In an effort to maintain smaller audition groups and enforce social distancing we will be breaking our auditions up into smaller age categories than normal. Dancers will attend in-person auditions at the studio during their allotted time based on their age at the time of auditions. Dancers should wear fitted all-black dance apparel and bring all necessary dance footwear into the studio with them. Hair should be completely pulled back away from the dancer’s face and neck.
Auditions for all age groups will include Jazz technique, Hip Hop, and Tap. (Note: Hip Hop and Tap are optional.) We will cast dances across all styles based on these auditions and each individual dancer’s style preferences, including Contemporary, Lyrical, Musical Theater, Pointe, Open, Jazz, Tap, and Hip Hop. Dancers ages 11 and up should arrive 30 minutes early in order to warm themselves up prior to their audition time. ALL dancers must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their audition start times, along with their completed audition forms, in order to be measured.